Metal Wall Décor Flowers Turned Into Garden Flowers

Metal Wall Décor Flowers Turned Into Garden Flowers
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Metal Wall Décor Flowers Turned Into Garden Flowers

I was wholesale shopping for new items to put in my shop and as soon as I seen these metal wall décor flowers I new I had to turn them into flowers for my yard! When you are out shopping keep an eye out for some metal wall décor flowers and turn them into unique flowers for your yard. I will now be keeping an eye out when I am shopping at the thrift stores for wall décor that I can turn into décor for my yard. These flowers were so quick and simple to make you will have them ready for your yard in no time!

Materials I Used

  • 14” Metal Wall Décor Flowers
  • 36” Metal Tomato Stakes
  • 8” Zip Ties
  • Scissors
  • Gorilla Clear Grip Adhesive
  • Rust-Oleum Matte Sealer

Attaching The Stake To The Flower

To attach the flower to the tomato stake lay the stake on top of the metal hanger part then use a 8” zip tie placing it under the metal hanger part then around the stake zip tie them together. Repeat this step with another zip tie pulling them tight to make sure the flower is sturdy. I wanted a little extra strength so I also added some gorilla clear grip adhesive between the hanger and tomato stake. If you add the adhesive let set for about 20 to 30 minutes before moving on to the next step.

Sealing The Flower

After letting the gorilla clear grip set up take your flowers outside and stick them in the ground. Next spray the front and back of the flower with the sealer and let dry. Repeat this step 2 more times for a total of three coats.

Now that your flowers are sealed they are ready to place in your yard where everyone could see them. I am betting everyone will ask where you got them from. The fun thing about this project is searching for flowers that you think will look amazing in your yard then creating them! I hope you give this a try and I really think we could do this project with a number of metal wall décor pieces not just flowers!

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